It’s Zaturday, the day we (Ziggy and Zorro) take over Mommy’s Blog!

Zorro here. Did you know that cats can make about 100 different sounds? Dogs make only about 10. Besides purring, the sounds we make most often are different types of meows. But we don’t talk to each other that way. Cats hardly ever meow at another cat (except for our mothers when we’re little kittens).
When we meow, usually it means we want something, like food or attention. When Mommy is getting ready to feed us, Ziggy meows all while she’s cleaning our dishes, opening the can of kitty food and putting it in the bowls. I wait quietly. I’m more patient than Ziggy is. I know Mommy’s going to put the food down, and it doesn’t get there any faster, no matter how much Ziggy hollers. Although if Mommy or Daddy are too slow, I stand up for it.
Ziggy and I always greet Mommy and Daddy at the door when they come home. Sometimes we meow at them. Then we’re saying “welcome home” and letting them know we’re happy to see them.
Other times, we meow when we’re not happy about something. Those meows sound different from our greetings and when we’re saying we want something. Like the other day, someone came over, and when he left, Mommy stood outside the door talking to him. I could hear her but couldn’t see her, and that had me upset. I started meowing really loud—long, sad cries. It worked! Mommy opened the door and picked me up.
Ziggy talks more than I do, and he has different kinds of meows, too. When he meows for his kitty food, he has a soft, high voice. Mommy says he sounds pathetic and calls him Squeaky. I think he does it on purpose. He’s pretending to be weak with hunger so Mommy will give him extra kitty food. I know he can talk louder than that. Like when we’re traveling and he gets tired of being in the car. He hollers pretty loud then. Mommy tells him to hush and turns up the radio.
When Ziggy and I meow, Mommy usually says, “I know.” Sometimes, though, I wonder if she really does. But even if she doesn’t understand exactly what we’re saying, Ziggy and I will keep meowing, because it works! Mommy and Daddy usually give us what we want.