About Me

From medical secretary to court reporter to property manager to owner of a special events decorating company, my resume reads as if I don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. But one thing that has remained constant through the years is my love for writing. I currently pen fun and fast-paced inspirational romance and romantic suspense stories. My books have won several awards and been nominated for two RITA® awards and an RT Reviewers’ Choice Best Book Award.

After spending most of my life in Florida, a few years ago, I moved to the mountains of North Carolina, where I write my stories outside on the back deck in the summertime and inside in front of the fireplace in the wintertime. When I’m not writing or doing writing-related things, I enjoy hiking, camping, kayaking—almost anything outdoors. My two grown daughters and grandkids live too far away for my liking, so I now pour all that nurturing into taking care of two sassy black cats.



My pets are an important part of my life and usually find their way into the books I write. In Flee the Darkness, Melissa has a solid white deaf cat named Smudge. The real-life Smudge was a member of the Post household from 1998 until his death in 2008. He was wonderfully sweet, completely deaf and afraid of nothing. He loved to go for walks and long car rides, the longest of which was from Florida to Connecticut and back. I have to say we got some strange looks on the dog walks at rest areas, along with comments like, “Oh, my goodness, that’s a cat!”

Smudge stretching his legs at a rest area in Virginia


In Survive the Night Lexi has three cats, Suki, Itsy and Midnight. Here are the real-life Itsy and Suki. We rescued Suki (our Siamese) from our church parking lot, and she gave us many years of love until we lost her in November 2014 at the ripe old age of 17½. Itsy came from the Humane Society, basically unadoptable because of her age. (She was seven. Everyone wants the kittens.) Her name was tongue-in-cheek, because I’m sure she hadn’t been “itsy” anytime in the last decade.


We rescued Midnight from the pound an hour or two before his time was up. He liked to drink out of a bottle and loved taking pills. If there was an empty box around, he would figure out how to get in it, no matter how small.

The furry members of our family haven’t always been limited to the feline type. In the late 1990s, we rescued two seven-year-old long-haired dachshund sisters. We lost Bailey (on the left) to an enlarged heart, but Morgan was with us for another nine years. Morgan was extremely attached to me. Every time I came home, she would go all to pieces squealing and whimpering. It didn’t matter if I’d been gone ten minutes or four hours. Bailey and Morgan star in Trust My Heart.

Cats cuddlingThe current furry members of the Post household consist of Ziggy and Zorro. We rescued Zorro first, then Ziggy, and it was love at first sight. They’re rascals who regularly take over my blog with their “It’s Zaturday!” posts. You can check out what they’ve been up to here.