My Experience With a Natural Disaster…Or Three


We’re back for another edition of Writer Wednesday. This month’s prompt is to tell about a natural disaster we’ve experienced. I’ve lived in Florida most of my life, but up until 2004, I never took hurricane warnings that seriously since I live in the center of the state. After all, Polk County hadn’t had a serious hurricane since Hurricane Donna in 1960.

But in August of 2004, Hurricane Charlie was headed right for us. So we boarded up the windows, stocked up on supplies and hunkered down to wait it out. We can get some hefty wind gusts during some of our thunderstorms, but this was like nothing we had ever experienced. When the eye moved over us, everything was eerily still, so we went outside to check things out. All six of our huge oak trees were still standing, but there were branches down all over the yard. The cedar trees that lined the north side of our property were all leaning toward the house. When the storm had finally moved past us, the wind coming from the other direction had stood them all back up again.

The accoutrements of cooking–no, not the microwave, the camp stove

For the next five days, we were without power. Not pleasant in Florida in August. But since we lived in the country and were on a well, we also had no running water. That was harder to do without than the lights and air conditioning. After five days of sponge baths, I was ready to pull my hair out.

Three weeks and two days later, Hurricane Frances arrived, again barreling right through

With the second storm on its way, my husband got creative and inserted Plexiglas panels into some of our plywood so we could see the stuff flying across the yard.
With the second storm on its way, my husband got creative and inserted Plexiglas panels into some of our plywood so we could see the stuff flying across the yard.

the center of the state. Less than three weeks after that, Hurricane Jean was chugging upward in the Atlantic, paralleling the coast. We were so relieved it was going to miss us. Then it made a complete circle and also came through Polk County, three weeks to the day after Frances. By that point, I was feeling as if someone had painted a big bullseye over us.

Two days after Charlie, I waited at a stop sign while 10 or 15 power company trucks from somewhere up north drove past, here to offer us assistance. I sat there and cried. For months, everywhere we went, mounds of debris lined both sides of the street and blue tarps covered roofs. Everywhere was chaos. One weekend, I couldn’t deal with it anymore, and was determined to take a day trip to somewhere that was still pretty. But every place that came to mind had been in the path of at least one of the storms.

That summer, I saw a lot of crushed cars and oak trees in people’s living rooms. But my husband and I were blessed. No trees fell on the house, and other than losing shutters and needing new roofs on the house and workshop, we didn’t sustain any real damage.  Thankfully, we haven’t had a season like that since.

This map shows the paths of all three storms.
This map shows the paths of all three storms.

What about you? Have you been through any natural disasters? Check out some of my writer friends’ experiences at the links below. Coming from areas all around the country, their tales are quite different from mine. (For future Writer Wednesday topics, see the calendar at the bottom of this post.)

Kay Hudson – Kat Cantrell – Kristen Ethridge –

Jean Willett – Natalie Meg Evans – Priscilla Kissinger – Wendy LaCapra

This month, two of us have new releases. Check out award-winning author Natalie Meg Evans’ newest book.

The Milliner's Secret coverLondon,1937. A talented young woman travels to Paris with a stranger. The promise of an exciting career as a milliner beckons, but she is about to fall in love with the enemy…

Londoner Cora Masson has reinvented herself as Coralie de Lirac, fabricating an aristocratic background to launch herself as a fashionable milliner. When the Nazis invade, the influence of a high-ranking lover, Dietrich, saves her business. But while Coralie retains her position as designer to a style-hungry elite, Paris is approaching its darkest hour.

Faced with the cruel reality of war and love, Coralie must make a difficult choice – protect herself or find the courage to fight for her friends, her freedom and everything she believes in.

A breathtakingly beautiful and evocative tale for readers of The Book Thief, One Lavender Ribbon, and Suite Francaise. Available in ebook at Amazon.



Also, the second book my Cedar Key series released this month.cover-hi

After becoming caught in a web of blackmail and murder, Meagan Berry escapes by faking her death. She finds anonymity on Florida’s Cedar Key until, while out in her boat, she witnesses a small plane go down and rescues a state senator. Her face is plastered on the 6:00 news, and the nightmare begins anew.

Something tells Cedar Key police officer Hunter Kingston that Meagan is not who she claims to be. But the fear in her eyes and the vulnerability beneath that aloof exterior reach out to him. When he learns the truth, he is determined to protect her, whatever the cost. Because at least one person is trying to see to it that the next time Meagan “dies,” it’ll be for real.

Available for purchase at Amazon, eHarlequin and .






Review of Hidden Identity

Iola’s Christian Reads did a review of Hidden Identity:

“I’m always a fan of a good romantic suspense story, and this one ticks all the boxes: intelligent heroine with a secret, handsome and godly cop, and more twists than I usually find in a full-length novel, let alone a shorter Love Inspired Suspense. Even better, I didn’t see the twists coming …”

To read the full review, click here.

Writer Wednesday – How I Spent Summer Vacations as a Kid

I’m back for the third installment of Writer Wednesday. Here is this month’s prompt:



When I was a kid, summer vacations were usually spent camping or visiting family in Ohio or Texas. Texas was fun, because we stayed with my aunt at a resort, where there was tons of stuff to do, and Ohio was fun, because I had literally dozens of cousins to play with.

When I hit 13, I started taking vacations with my best friend Donna and her family. We traveled to several states in her parents’ motorhome and did lots of camping, but they also had a cabin in Ocala National Forest where we would often stay. Donna would bring her mini-bike (larger than a moped, but smaller than a motorcycle), and we would ride all over the dirt roads in the area. Wherever we went, we were usually on the lookout for cute guys to hang out with. In fact, how many cute guys we found determined the success or failure of a vacation.

On one of those trips, we were out on the bike and ran out of gas, and a guy named Eddie stopped to help us. He was really nice, but he didn’t count as one of our “cute guys,” because he was OLD. (He was 25.)  We ended up seeing him several more times, and when we were ready to head home, he wanted to stay in touch, so we gave him Donna’s address.

The next weekend, I was staying at her house, and an envelope from Eddie arrived. Inside were two pieces of paper folded in thirds. On one he had written, “For Donna’s eyes only,” and on the other, “For Carol’s eyes only.” I unfolded mine and read it. He had filled the page confessing his undying love for me in rather flowery prose. He ended with, “Please don’t let Donna read this. I don’t want her to know how I feel about you.” We both finished reading, looked at each other, and did what any other 15-year-old best friends would do–we traded letters. Of course, hers said exactly the same thing as mine, with the same caution at the end. Eddie may have been OLD, but if he really thought we would keep our letters secret, he didn’t know diddly squat about teenage girls!

What fun stuff did you do during summer vacation? To check out what some of my friends posted, click the following links. (For future Writer Wednesday topics, see the calendar below.)

Kay Hudson – Jamie Wesley – KD Fleming – Kat Cantrell – Kathleen Bittner Roth – Kristen Ethridge –

Natalie Meg Evans – Priscilla Kissinger – Sharon Wray – Wendy LaCapra


Writer Wednesday – Favorite Items on My Desk (Hint: They breathe!)

We’re back for the second installment of Writer Wednesdays, a year-long blog party by a group of Firebirds (2012 Golden Heart finalists). Here is this month’s prompt:


This is an interesting one for me, because…I don’t have a desk! I think if I had to actually sit in an office, it would hamper my creativity. So I have several places where I write. When I get bogged down and the words aren’t flowing the way I’d like them to, it’s time for a change of scenery. I move from the dining room table to the screen room to the recliner to a beach chair in the front yard.

But there’s usually at least one “object” that follows me wherever I choose to write.

This one:

Midnight in dining room

Or this one:

Itsy in screen room

Or this one:

Morgan in yard

Sometimes I’m blessed with all three:

writing with animals

All three of my animals are rescues. We got Midnight (our black cat) from the pound a couple of hours before he was going to be gassed. Itsy (our gray and white cat) came from the Humane Society, and Morgan (our long-haired dachshund) was taken out of a very abusive home. I think animals understand what we save them from and respond by giving us their undying love. And what better inspiration is there than that?

Now that you’ve read about the favorite “items” on my desk, check out what my writer friends have written. (For future topics, see the calendar below.)

Kay Hudson – Jamie Wesley – Jean Willett – KD Fleming – Kat Cantrell – Kathleen Bittner Roth – Kristen Ethridge – Lauren Christopher – Natalie Meg Evans – Priscilla Kissinger – Sharon Wray – Tamra Baumann – Wendy LaCapra

This month, we are celebrating the release of KD Fleming’s Her Hometown Reporter.


The reporter is looking for a story that’ll be his ticket out of his small Georgia town. With her political connections, legal assistant Gina Lawson could help Toby realize his aspirations. Their friendship is just an added bonus, but falling in love isn’t part of his five-year plan.
Gina’s devoted to her family and community, and doesn’t plan to ever leave. Though she finds her favorite reporter maddeningly irresistible, she must guard her heart. But when a betrayal of trust threatens to shatter both their dreams, will Gina and Toby learn that they share the same values after all?





Nine Contest Entry Boo-boos (and how to fix them)

I used to love entering contests. I would carefully read the rules and condense them down to an easy-to-follow list that I would check, double check and triple check before sending in my entry. Then I would mark the calendar and anxiously count off the days until the finalists would be announced. In those early entries, I have to admit that I made almost every mistake imaginable. – See more at Seekerville.