Join me for a game of “Would You Rather…” on Jessica R. Patch’s blog. Would You Rather…
Suspense Zone Interview
Susan Sleeman is interviewing me on her blog today. Wanna hear the craziest thing and the scariest thing I’ve ever done? Join us at The Suspense Zone.
A Forever Home for Bruno
I am amazed and heartbroken over how many pets are just discarded.
Shortly before my husband and I were to leave for the holidays, a tenant moved out of one of our rental properties and abandoned five dogs—a black lab named Jackson, a lab/cur mix named Bruno and a dachshund mix with two puppies.
For the rest of this post, visit Roxanne Rustand’s blog by clicking here.
Taming the Dreaded Synopsis
Not much strikes fear in the heart of a new writer like having to write a synopsis (or suck-nopsis as an author friend of mine likes to call it.) And they’re not a whole lot of fun for the experienced writer, either. But there are some tricks to make the process a little less harrowing.
For the rest of this post, join me at Savvy Authors by clicking here.
A Favorite Christmas Memory
Several years ago, my parents, my sister and brother-in-law, and my husband and I went in together on a 100-year-old log cabin on 12 acres in the North Carolina mountains. After a couple of trips up from Florida to make it almost livable (replaced leaky roof, fixed septic system so toilets would flush, etc.), we decided to all spend Christmas up there. The cabin had no heat, and we couldn’t build a fire in the fireplace, because the chimney had toppled years earlier. So we tried our best to keep warm by the wood-burning stove we had installed on one of our previous trips.
To read more, join me at Weaving a Threefold Strand by clicking here.
Passions and Pursuits Interview
Suzanne Purvis is interviewing me on her blog today. Join us at Passions and Pursuits by clicking here.
Midnight Shadows Launch Party
Fellow Firebird (2012 Golden Heart finalist) Kristen Ethridge is interviewing me today to celebrate the launch of my debut novel, Midnight Shadows. Join us at the Firebirds blog by clicking here.
Tubby, Kitten Extraordinaire!
Four Things I Learned on My Crazy Road to Publication
I’m so honored to be a guest on the Ruby-Slippered Sisterhood blog. Like Terri, this is my first blog ever.
2012 has been a very exciting year for me. On January 27, I got the call from Harlequin® that they are going to publish my Golden Heart® finaling manuscript as a Love Inspired® Suspense. I was still on cloud nine from that (yep, it lasts that long!) when I got the call on March 26 that I was a Golden Heart finalist. On May 2, I signed with an agent—the awesome Nalini Akolekar of Spencerhill Associates.
For the rest of this post, please join me at the Ruby Slippered Sisterhood blog by clicking here.