It’s Zaturday, the day we (Ziggy and Zorro) take over Mommy’s blog.
Ziggy here. Zorro and I are lucky kitties. We have two homes! We live in Florida with Mommy and Daddy, but every month, Mommy takes us to North Carolina to Grandma and Aunt Kim’s house. We like both places, because we get lots of love and good kitty food, whether we’re in North Carolina or Florida.
The trip is really long. (Mommy says it’s more than 600 miles.) Zorro and I don’t know what miles are, but we’re in the car all day. Even though the trip is long, we can always tell when we’re almost there. Usually I’m lying on the seat and Zorro is curled up on Mommy’s lap, but as soon as Mommy turns onto her and Daddy’s road in Florida or Aunt Kim and Grandma’s road in North Carolina, we know. Zorro stands up in Mommy’s lap and looks out the window, and I get up on the thing between the seats.
Mommy always laughs and asks us how we can tell we’re almost there. Zorro and I can’t really explain it. We just know. Cats have good sense of direction. We also pay attention and have a good memory. That helps lost cats find their way home. When Mommy was a little girl, she had a cat named Bootsie. (Bootsie was black like us, except she had white paws.) When Mommy’s family moved to a different house, they took Bootsie with them, but then Bootsie disappeared. Mommy said six weeks later, the people who bought the old house called because Bootsie showed up there. She had walked all the way there from a different city, just to go back to her old home. (Of course, Mommy and Grandma and Grandpa went and got her.)
No one really knows how we do it. Some people think cats can sense the Earth’s magnetic fields. Others say we have iron in our inner ears and skin that works like a natural compass. Zorro and I aren’t sure about all that. We just know which way home is and when we’re almost there.
Mommy really doesn’t understand it, because she doesn’t have any sense of direction at all. If she didn’t have that thing on her phone telling her where to go when we travel, who knows where we’d end up? But we love her anyway.