It’s Zaturday, the day we (Ziggy and Zorro) take over Mommy’s blog.
Zorro here. Mommy says yesterday was Valentine’s Day, a day for showing love. Ziggy and I don’t know anything about Valentine’s Day, but we know all about love.
I know Mommy loves me because she feeds me really good food. When she opens the cupboard, there are always lots of cans there, so I’m never afraid we’ll run out.
I know Mommy loves me because when we’re in North Carolina and I look cold, she puts a blanket over me.
I know Mommy loves me, because she lets me sleep with her. She doesn’t even get upset when I wake her up during the night by laying on her head. If I’m really comfy in the morning and not ready to get up, she will wait to make the bed instead of disturbing me.
My buddy Ziggy loves me, too. I know Ziggy loves me because he likes to lick me and snuggle with me.
I know Ziggy loves me because if he finishes his food and is still hungry, he waits until I’ve eaten all I’ve wanted instead of chasing me away from my dish.
I know Ziggy loves me because he plays with me and lets me chill out on the catnip toy with him.
I don’t know who makes up holidays for people to celebrate, but any holiday that is all about love sounds like a really good one to me!