It’s Zaturday – CatAway!

It’s Zaturday, the day we (Ziggy and Zorro) take over Mommy’s blog.

Ziggy here. Zorro and I have a really good home—lots of yummy kitty food, comfy places to sleep, people that love us and fun stuff to watch out the windows. But there’s one thing I wish would just disappear. This is it:

Mommy says it’s compressed air, but she calls it CatAway, because when she sprays it, cats go away. Usually it just sits on the desk, unless I get up on the dining room table or kitchen counters. Those are such fun places to lie down. I mean, look how comfy I am:

But Mommy doesn’t like it when I get up there, so she gets the CatAway and sneaks up on me. When she pushes the button, it makes this really scary sound, like a loud hiss. Sometimes I don’t get away fast enough, and I can feel it blow my fur. I don’t like it at all.

Mommy hardly ever squirts Zorro with it. She says I need it more than Zorro does, because I’m more of a rebel. I’m not sure what that means.

Sometimes I like to sharpen my claws on the woodwork, too. Grandma’s window sill is a really good spot. Door jambs and baseboards work well, too. But today, Mommy put something stinky on the window sill. She’s putting it on the other woodwork, too. She calls it frankincense and thinks it smells good. But I think it stinks. She has ordered something else that she’s going to try called peppermint oil. I hope it smells better than frankincense, because she’s ruining all my favorite scratching places.

But Mommy and Aunt Kim are building us something new to scratch on. It’s not finished yet, but Mommy brought it upstairs today. She says she’s going to put two perches on top, one for Zorro and one for me. But even without the perches, the bottom makes a really nice place to lie down.

And just in case my new scratching post wasn’t tempting enough, Mommy went and rubbed catnip all over it so I would use it. How am I supposed to resist that? Zorro can’t resist it either. I mean, look at him.

Now I’m losing interest in the woodwork. It just doesn’t have the appeal it did before, especially with the stinky stuff on it.

Hmm, I wonder if Mommy planned it that way. Do you think she’s trying to outsmart me? I think it might have worked.